I didn't want to give up my records and move to cds, but I had no choice as records disappeared almost overnight.
There is a tipping point where if enough book buyers switch to e-book readers, book stores, where many are struggling now, will go out of business, as will many publishers, and those of us who don't want e-book readers will have no choice. I have no idea what that tipping point is. 10%? 20%? The ironic thing about this is in an e-book only world, the mega-bestsellers like Stephen King and Stephanie Myer, will most certainly bypass publishers and put their books on the e-books themselves, since what would publishers have to offer if distribution and printing are no longer issues?. So this push by publishers is a push to put themselves out of business.
--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Poul Wehner <poul.wehner@...> wrote:
> " He swears by it. Buys ten books at a time."
> Wrong,
> He buys a license for 10 books.
> There have already been more than a handful of DRM companies/services that
> have gone belly up and any media attached to these became useless.
> I'm not familiar with the licensing details but I believe Amazon will only
> allow a limited number of downloads and, once reached, whatever book in
> question has to be re-purchased.
> I'm a little amazed that people who who buy into DRM'd media apparently do
> not consider the full implications.
> But aside from the DRM crap I don't understand the motivation of why would
> someone pay nearly $300 for a device and then pay even more to use it. I'm
> not surprised that media companies are extremely interested in moving from
> selling products to merely licensing them.
> I'll never buy one. I'd rather own my books, cds,& dvds outright rather than
> pay a fee for ephemeral bits and merely 'think' I own it.
> I probably swimming upstream on this. I work in higher-ed and I believe in a
> few years time many textbooks will be delivered digitally and likely at
> cheaper prices.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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