Well, my first reaction to this news (like many of us) was derision. Thinking about my visualisattion of McGee and what current actors could play him - a visual of a slightly younger Mark Harmon came up. But - if DiCaprio 37 then he is the right age.Google his height and he is apparently 5 foot eleven. We probably picture McGee as about 6 foot and 7 inches. But he could probably fake that. He could borrow Alan Ladd's crate. So he may well do a good job. I think many of us think of McGee as older than ourselves because we were younger when we first read the books. We also probably think of Decaprio as he was in Titanic. A little water has gone under the bridge since then. Directors like Scorsese respect the man and he now makes reasonable 'Hard-boiled' films does he not? I mean 'Gangs of New York', 'The Departed' 'Romeo and Juliet' 'Blood Diamond' 'The Aviator' to name a few.
If we look at the list of upcoming projects he has listed ( which include 'Untitled project with Michael Mann' ,'Cats Cradle' and 'Brave New World' - its a hell of a long list actually - the guy seems to have much more taste than many Hollywood players.
We should probably be thankful that DiCaprio has taken it on.
Aquaman? Not listed on IMDB as upcoming, but if you know what Aquaman looks like and you know that Hollywood can't do enough Superheroes at the moment, you would see that that would be a nobrainer for DiCaprio. Easily financed.
The Queen of Siam? The point is he is an actor. He could probably play that too.
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