Patrick wrote:
> I have a love/hate relationship with Travis McGee. For the most part
> I've enjoyed the stories. I agree that the philosophizing and the
> sentimentality make the character very pretentious. On the other
> hand, those are the qualities friends of mine who are serious McGee
> fans really like about him. I think McDonald's success with McGee
> was the factor that started diluting the PI pool with contrite
> former alcoholics struggling to maintain a faithful relationship
> with female homebodies. I, personally, find this trend very tedious.
> On the other hand, how can I fault McDonald for coming up with a
> formula that worked? I guess there's an audience out there who
> prefers their detectives humble and effete.
Speaking of tedious...
Maybe this time you could provide a few examples of these humble and
effete ex-alcoholic private eyes struggling to maintain a faithful
relationship with female homebodies that represent this "trend"?
You know, like, from actual books you've actually read (not movies)?
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