Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Random Notes On Redemption

From: Patrick King (
Date: 10 Sep 2009

  • Next message: Patrick King: "Re: RARA-AVIS: pink jumpsuits"

    > I certainly know there are older men who make fools of themselves several times a week.

    Let me fix your statement so that it becomes a universal truth. All men make fools of themselves all the time as regards women. Hey, it's in Ovid, many, many centuries ago. He knew it... but he continued doing it and even gave advice!

    it seems to be my whole reason for being


    John Lau, meet Elton John. Not all men make fools of themselves where women are concerned, whatever Ovid thought. Some become impervious and others become wise. It does happen.

    Patrick King

     Mia patrino povas draƝ via patrino

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