I recently started reading Rabe also, two of his Daniel Port books that the old Black Lizard reprinted, Dig My Grave Deep & The Out is Death. I enjoyed both of them. The writing seemed like a mix of Hammett and Paul Cain, and both were solid Gold Medals, each under 150 pages, nothing bloated with either of them! The bookseller who gave me these strongly recommended "Kill the Boss Good-bye", so that's the next one I'll be looking for. HE also gave me a couple of Howard Browne crime novels, which I'll be reading soon.
--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "jacquesdebierue" <jacquesdebierue@...> wrote:
> Inspird by rereading Donald Hamilton, I've been on a Gold Medal kick. The latest one I read is Peter Rabe's The Spy Who Was Three Feet Tall. This "spy" is a pygmy nicknamed "Baby". Very funny intrigue novel, frothy and light but extremely well written. Sometimes I am surprised at the care that Gold Medal writers put into their writing. In this case, the dialogue is very well tuned.
> I may have to go on a Rabe spree here! He wrote plenty, so no lack of material.
> This guy is another semiforgotten writer from that era. My understanding is that he was quite popular, not top seller but solid (meaning millions of people read him).
> Anyway, I recommend Rabe to those who don't yet know him. He is agile and intelligent, and he also has a fine sense of humor.
> mrt
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