This is one of the funnier threads I've seen in a while.
"When I call you handicapped, you'll take it and like it."
"It was about noon when they threw me off the short bus."
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Novak
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 16:03
Subject: RARA-AVIS: Re: apo... apo... apo... apo... apo... apo... apo... apocalytique...!!!
I agree sonny...this is becoming hillarious...and although I understasnd the
genuiness of mrtšs sentiment and apologies...this stuff shouldnšt be part of
the rara-avianšs catalogue...I think we should all listen to lengthy
recordings of Lenny Bruce and re-read some of Steven Wells
columns...( get back on the
crime parlance (cp not pc)
Voilŕ...merde alors...!
On 9/1/09 4:49 PM, "sonny" <> wrote:
the pc version of handicapped is 'challenged', no? and this group (and all
noir and hard-boiled writing) is nothing if not pc.
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