łyou may not be able to describe it, but you know it when you read it˛
... Mon dieu...what does that mean...?...
...inability to analize/interpret maybe...or just simply inability to
denote/connote. ..i.e. explicit/represent. ..
I havenąt heard this anywhere but in sports columns mand fan comments and I
faith-fully read most soccer ones in The Guardian UK...
...and I do believe that there is such a line in the Cantona movie made by
Ken Loach...please somebody who has seen it confirm...?? ?
My comment was a spoof on Justice Potter Stewart's decision in the landmark 1964 case Jacobellis v. Ohio regarding whether the movie, The Lovers, was pornographic. It was a gleefully quoted comment at the time. Sorry if I'm being obtuse, nowadays.
Patrick King
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