i'm sure that piece on the tunnels is part of 'imperial'.
no, pynchon and vollmann aren't one and the same. but pynchon and salinger are.
--- On Sat, 8/8/09, jacquesdebierue <jacquesdebierue@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: jacquesdebierue <jacquesdebierue@yahoo.com>
Subject: RARA-AVIS: Re: OT? pynchon and vollmann non fiction
To: rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, August 8, 2009, 8:09 PM
--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, sonny <sforstater@...> wrote:
> i don't know whether william t. vollmann has been discussed here, but his latest thousand page non fiction book is about the imperial valley of california and the border into mexico. good article here:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/29/books/29vollman.html?ref=review&pagewanted=all
> each mentions an 'outsider' art installation. watts towers and salvation mountain.
Vollmann is terrific. I recall a fantastic piece he wrote, called "They came out like ants", about the tunnels of Mexicali. I wonder if it didn't go into this monster book you mention...
Sonny, you aren't suggesting that Pynchon and Vollmann are the same person, are you?
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