Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: New books and other things...(this is not about Ross Mc or Vietnam)

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 05 Aug 2009

  • Next message: Patrick King: "Re: RARA-AVIS: "Young Adult" Noir?"

    Great thanks...didn¹t somebody in Rara speak about him in thre last year or so with a review (or link to) of some of his stuff...or did I read about this somewhere else...Guardian UK/Times UK/NYT/LAT/Vill. Voice/El Périodico...??...maybe somebody has more memory than me...I draw a blank...

    Maybe I will, (if I get the time) write down the list of ³The 50 Crime Stories Writers that count today...² that this magazine gives with one column review for each writer and major books for each...and that will inspire comments from the Rara gang...who are usually very eager to review these kind of lists...


    On 8/5/09 7:00 PM, "jacquesdebierue" <> wrote:
    > one article in a magazine listing ³The 50 Crime Stories Writers
    >> > that count today...² there is mention of names that I have either missed or
    >> > not seen in our discussions: Jo Nesbro (Norway), Chuck Palahniuk (US), Deon
    >> > Meyer (SA)...
    >> >
    >> > Can any of you give larger info about these authors...impressions,
    >> > facts...etc....
    > Chuck Palahniuk is a fantastic writer. I would say he is one of the best
    > American writers today. I don't know Nesbro or Deon Meyer. You can visit
    > Palahniuk's website for more information, and I am sure you will find lots of
    > stuff on the web at large. He has gained quite a following.
    > mrt

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