RARA-AVIS: Thomas Pynchon’s “Inherent Vice�

From: Jack Bludis (buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 04 Aug 2009

  • Next message: JIM DOHERTY: "RARA-AVIS: Re: don't killers know how to close doors?"

    There was a review at NYTimes.com of Thomas Pynchon’s “Inherent Vice.”


    There is another at Sunspot.net (The Baltimore Sun):


    Ostensibly a Southern California private-eye novel, the implication of the reviews is that it is a novel of social criticism with characters of the past predicting the future that is now, along with a sense of what it was like to have been there.

    For those too young to remember the 70s, or too old to have been there, it looks as if it may semi-accurately tell what it was like, but I won't know that until, and unless, I read it.

    So far, two reviews give nothing to truly recommend it. I won't buy the book, but I may pick it up in the library if I see it.




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