RARA-AVIS: On the radio

From: ejmd (ejmd__@ntlworld.com)
Date: 29 Jul 2009

  • Next message: Jeff Vorzimmer: "Re: RARA-AVIS: recent reads (and a weird review)"

    No, the subject has nothing to do with Donna Summer or "song noir", but is a reference to crime stories on BBC Radio 7 that may be of interest to list members.

    Currently, a short series entitled "This is Pulp Fiction" is available online, consisting of five fifteen-minute stories:

        * Jack Ritchie, Divide and Conquer: Tommy's casino chain is doing
          nicely until some new blood muscles in.
        * Gil Brewer, Getaway: Vincenti is high. Vincenti is about to make
          the biggest hit of his career.
        * Paul Cain, Black: A gang war's raging, but a man called Black is
          there to get things sorted.
        * Jim Thompson, Forever After: Ardis Clinton thinks she has a
          foolproof plan to kill her husband.
        * William F. Nolan, A Real Nice Guy: Jimmie is a psycho-sniper
          stalking Los Angeles for another target.

    The various stories can be accessed here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00fwcqf

    Additionally, a 90-minute version of Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep is also available. Here's the blurb from the site:

        It is seventy years since the publication of Raymond Chandler's
        novel that defined the hard boiled school of crime writing and
        introduced the iconic detective, Philip Marlowe. This year the
        Harrogate Crime Festival launched its very own *Big Read *whereby
        lovers of crime fiction were encouraged to read The Big Sleep all at
        the same time. For those of you who haven't read this classic crime
        novel here is your chance to listen to a great dramatisation
        starring Ed Bishop (pictured) as Philip Marlowe. Set in Los Angeles
        in 1939, Marlowe is hired by ailing General Sternwood who
        desperately needs his help. So begins a trail through a murky world
        of crime involving blackmail, shootings, murders and sleaze. The
        cast also features Robert Beatty, Diana Olsson, Harry Towb and Paul
        Maxwell. First broadcast in 1977, it was dramatised for radio by
        Bill Morrison and directed by John Tydeman.

    The Big Sleep is available here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007k360


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