Re: RARA-AVIS: The Age of Kafka / Bram Stoker

From: sandra seamans (
Date: 27 Jul 2009

  • Next message: David Rachels: "RARA-AVIS: Boys & Reading"

    If you take a cruise around the web, that's where you'll find all those young men reading.  They're hanging out at places like A Twist of Noir, ThugLit, Flash Fiction Offensive, Beat to a Pulp, just to name a few, and reading print magazines like Out of the Gutter.  And that's only the mystery readers, the sci-fi field has even younger readers.  So they're out there reading zines and buying books by the folks they're following on the web.  I'm always amazed when I drop by their blogs and find out how young some of them are.

    --- On Mon, 7/27/09, Patrick King <> wrote:

    That's rather a drastic conclusion! Maybe the boys aren't all DARs and they just can't get their work published. We're all aware its hard to get fiction published these days.

    Maybe they're reading 'hardboiled' and 'noir' fiction so, unlike vampire and zombie fiction, the mass media doesn't notice. There are a lot of possibilities of what happens to people who get into the habit of reading early, rather than they stop reading. Certainly that poll hasn't been taken.

    Patrick King

    ********************************** Unfortunately, the boys tend to stop.



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