The French magazine I refered to yesterday mentioned that Sanctuary was a
direct inspiration of a very popular crime story called No Orchids for Miss
Blandish (1938) by famous (well not on this continent) crime writer James
Hardley Chase....yet the author of the article (JP Baronian) concludes this
paragraph this way (my translation): łIt remains that as effective was
Chaseąs vision, it never gets to the tragic intensity, the somber and
sensual fierceness,the shattering and staggering majesty which lives through
Santuary from end to end...˛
The reference internet for the French Magazine is here:
Montois who will now read Sanctuary...after he finishes an excellent set of
short stories happening in Touilouse, France and written by Michel-Julien
Naudy called ŚToulouse, Rouge et Passeą
On 7/24/09 6:57 AM, "James Michael Rogers" <> wrote:
> Thanks for the link. I believe this was while I was off-list.
> I can't remember where I read it, but I seem to recall that Faulkner detested
> the book and saw it strictly as a commercial move.
> James
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: cptpipes2000
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 08:48
> Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: Nag, Nag, Nag Noir
>> > --- In <> ,
>> "James Michael Rogers"
>>> > > For instance, even though Faulkner got brought up a bunch last week, it
>>> seems we never talk about Sanctuary even though that has got to have been
>>> one of the most influential crime novels ever. Without Sanctuary, I don't
>>> think there ever would have been a Blue Velvet film.
> This is going back a ways, but Sanctuary was discussed quite a bit when we
> 1930s fiction was a theme for the month. Here's a link to the post I believe
> kicked off the discussion:
> Chris
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