Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Song Noir

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 18 Jul 2009

  • Next message: Jeff Vorzimmer: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Song Noir"

    Sounds great...I like very much the idea of the association of noir.crime and music...rock especially...

    I think Iąm much more attached to Śstyleą, than you are in your taste, since I would never touch, listen, go, near the likes of Cowboy Junkies, Springsteen, Earle, Westerberg, any MOR, Billy Gentry, the Band...but Velvet, the Cramps, Gene Vincent...on the contrary...and I grew up in Euro as ŚRolling Stonesą and Beatles were establishment and Ścuteąand were therefore Śon the other sideą of the tracks (except Lennon)...Iąm much more sensitive to the look, the attitude, the genre...and therefore I donąt follow any of the Śothersą...
    ...but we have not even talked about some other Śmusic familiesą where crime/noir story and attitude is a-plenty and abundant: industrial
    (Ministry/Front 242...), some tecno, hip hop, some rap...and of course some heavy metal (Motorhead to start with), and how to ignore some of the flamenco and the fado...

    All this to say that this is one of the rare times that music is talked about in connection with crime stories in rara, and it is a pure delight to hear somebody think of titles, songs, connection with it, so thank you for picking this up and I promise to keep your list and Itune some of the ones you have tickled my curiosity...


    On 7/18/09 1:43 PM, "Kevin Burton Smith" <> wrote:
    > Brian wrote:
    >> > I offer up the entirety of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' album MURDER
    >> > BALLADS
    >> > as another possibility (and talk about "Noir atmosphere": his song
    >> > "Red
    >> > Right Hand.").
    > The entirety? I dunno. I tend to skip over a couple of the songs.
    > Cave, who's usually a smart and surprisingly subtle and witty artist,
    > given his frequent subject matter, just chews up the scenery a little
    > much on a few of them. The hammy overkill may work in concert, but on
    > record it just comes off as a little forced and silly. Though that may
    > be the point.
    > Mind you, sometimes it's the singer or the performance, not the song.
    > The Beatles' "Run for Your life" is a pretty lame (albeit slightly
    > offensive) pop song. When The Cowboy Junkies do it as this grungy
    > bluesy thing, it's just nasty. Margo Timmins sounds like she means it,
    > man.
    > She catches you with another woman, that's the end, little boy.
    > Some of my other personal fave crime songs (they're not all noir)
    > include:
    > Frankie & Johnny -- various
    > Stagger Lee (aka Stoack-o-Lee, Staggalee, etc., etc.) -- various
    > Nebraska by Springsteen
    > Jeannie Needs a Shooter by Warren Zevon
    > Folsom Prison Blues by Cash
    > Copperhead Road by Steve Earle
    > Mack the Knife -- Bobby Darin (finger-snappin' murder at its best)
    > Jesse James -- various
    > Streets of Laredo -- various (lately, it's Paul Westerberg's version,
    > but I'm flexible...)
    > Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts -- Joe Ely, Tom Russell et al
    > In State by Kathleen Edwards
    > Long Black Veil by The Band
    > Cop Killer by Body Count
    > The Ballad of Billy Jo by Billy Gentry/The Night the Lights Went Out
    > in Georgia by Vicki Llawrence (Yeah, I know, but both of these MOR
    > nuggets are also flat-out great story songs, dying to be remade in
    > darker, gritter versions. Maybe Marianne Faithful or Chrissie Hynde
    > should check 'em out...)
    > 38 Years Old by The Tragically Hip
    > Murder in the Red Barn by Tom Waits & John Hammond
    > James River Incident by Steve Wynn
    > Cocaine Blues by George Thorogood (Cash's is great, but Thorogood's
    > slide-driven stab at it is a real rush)
    > But don't get me started....
    > Kevin Burton Smith
    > Palmdale Noir: Saturday, June 18
    > Butler's Coffee, Palmdale, CA

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