Re: Re : RARA-AVIS: Motel Noir

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 15 Jul 2009

  • Next message: Steve Novak: "Re: RARA-AVIS: From Chairmen Gault and Gorman:"

    Your quote: ł.....Actually, Norman Bates is Nothing But existential crisis.....˛

    If you re-read what I said, that is NOT the point...whatever crisis heąs in, whatever disfunction heąs knocked up never changes, heąs the same from start to finish...that, precisely that, is the far as his character in the film is concerned other words the way by which heąs questionning himself (and we could have another whole debate about that..!) never goes through any shift, any digression, other words..heąs f-------p solid and we (the viewer) get only to learn why ... Look, Perry Smith (aka Robert Blake), as a film character, goes through more phases in 1:30mns than Bates in Psycho...and that does nort diminish at all the Perkins performance ...iotąs just Śsomething elseą.... Donąt know about the book...and donąt know either if you are talking about the book or the maybe our argumentation is totally pointless...

    By the way for all of you noir-rockers out there, I remind you of the noir film exercise done by 80ąs Britt band called The Hitmen called gloriously
    łBates Motel˛...for those of you in the US you must have seen the video where Bates meets Maltese Falcon, with every noir-fim cliché mixed-in...glorious early MTV video and glorious song...check that You Tube at:
    ...and then Todd, you will say happily that Bates is noir...and Iąll dance to that...
    ...the funny thing is I still possess the Hitmen single, bought at record store (long gone) in Ann Arbor, after I saw the band here...opening for Midnight Oil I trust...

    ..I switch now to red Iąll talk rara mańana...


    On 7/15/09 8:51 PM, "foxbrick" <> wrote:

    > Actually, Norman Bates is Nothing But existential crisis.
    > But, Mario, you are absolutely correct, the novel is superior to the film(s,
    > though the second film of PSYCHO is a travesty)...PSYCHO II the novel somewhat
    > better than the PSCYHO II the film, with which it shares little, and PSYCHO
    > HOUSE is the worst of Bloch's novels, the only one I'd say doesn't really
    > repay the reading (the further sequels, like the PSYCHO remake, are not really
    > worth the effort either).
    > Todd Mason
    > --- In <> ,
    > Steve Novak <Cinefrog@...> wrote:
    >> >
    >> > Bien is a mecanism in which all the cogwheels are
    >> > defined and set...crazies included...none of these characters are
    >> > questioning, themselves, existence, raison dąętre...they act along their >>
    >> > set and since there is a strong plot it creates tension in the viewer...but
    >> > nothing in these characters is disturbing, challenging, upsetting their own
    >> > existence, their own validity...and/or ours by the same token...and nothing
    >> > in shooting style, acting (and casting), edit...leads us another way...
    >> >
    >> > Enough...
    >> >
    >> > Montois reaching cocktail hour...(I should say apéritif...)

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