RARA-AVIS: recent reads

From: sonny (sforstater@yahoo.com)
Date: 14 Jul 2009

  • Next message: jacquesdebierue: "RARA-AVIS: Re: recent reads"

    i'm no book reviewer (at least i have something in common with al guthrie.  well, maybe, sense of humor, too), but since i get so much from the recommendations here, i wanna do what i would want others to do and alert ya to something i liked.

    i recommend 'beat the reaper' by josh bazell. i don't believe i've seen it mentioned here. i did not want to like it and for a while, tho i heard of it (i think it got a lot of hype), i did not go for it, but at some point, maybe i  read something about it or an excerpt, and was  interested enough to see if my library had it.

    they did and i read it and enjoyed it very much. i didn't wanna like it cos of the hype and cos  the author is young and a doctor (m.d.).  top paraphrase something lisa lutz said, talk about obnoxious!  but the fact is i loved the hospital scenes, which are half the book, enormously. we're talkin dark humor here. the other half (chapters alternate) is the main character's back story, which is also good, but the hospital stuff really made it for me.

    it fits here (crime, mob, witness protection, mystery, fighting, action, toughness). whether one's individual taste would dig the humor as i did cannot be predicted of course.

    a few classics that i've finally read and need no introduction here.

    the friends of eddie coyle - higgins i was dora suarez - raymond the burnt orange heresy - willeford

    all deserve their classic status.

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