Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: western vs noir, cowboy vs private eye

From: Bengt Eriksson / Media I Morron I Dag (
Date: 10 Jul 2009

  • Next message: Patrick King: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: western vs noir, cowboy vs private eye"

    Thanks again!

    James Crumley愀 novels are both "tough and colloquial (hard-boiled), and dark and sinister (noir)", that愀 what I thought and think as well. But other novels... then it愀 not so easy, is it. There are a lots of crime novels I would describe as both och either "tough and colloquial" / "dark and sinister", but still I wouldn愒 say that they愉e both och either hard-boiled and noir.

    And, your are really sure that the noir label comes from "Serie Noire" och not film noir, in that order? The films and the series date back to about the same time, so can one be really sure? And who - then - exactly came up with the word, I mean the first time? Do you know, does anyone know?

    This has not much to do with my "essay" or whatever about James Crumley - I haven愒 the format to write sooooo many words... - but you扉e got me interested...


    ----- Original Message ----- dark and sinister From: "JIM DOHERTY" <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 4:27 PM Subject: RARA-AVIS: Re: western vs noir, cowboy vs private eye

    > Bengt,
    > Re your question below:
    > "Is James Crumley noir or hard-boiled or both - and why?"
    > Both, because he's tough and colloquial (hard-boiled), and dark and sinister (noir).
    > Please see earlier "I LIke 'Em Tough" columns from MYSTERICAL-E here:
    > and here:
    > Hope that helps.

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