RARA-AVIS: Re: western vs noir, cowboy vs private eye

From: JIM DOHERTY (jimdohertyjr@yahoo.com)
Date: 06 Jul 2009

  • Next message: Bengt Eriksson / Media I Morron I Dag: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: western vs noir, cowboy vs private eye"


    Re your post below:

    "So I´m thinking about the connection between the two - or the one - genre(s), between american crime novels and the myth of the american western and cowboy myth. Has there been anything written about this? Am I right? You have any thoughts that can send me in the right direction when I start writing? Any suggestion of other american crime writers who come close to western cowboy novels - or writers of cowboy fiction who come close to crime novels? Or anything!"

    In a recent edition of my "I LIke 'Em Tough" column for MYSTERICAL-E, on the occasion of Elmore Leonard's winning a Lifetime Achievement Award from Western Writers of America, I wrote a column on just that subject, called "The Hard-B(O)i(L)e(D) West," that you might find useful. You can find it here:


    Apropos of nothing to do with this thread, the latest edition of my ILET column, "Iron Curtain Cops," can be found here:


    As its title suggests, it's about police procedurals set in the USSR and other Soviet Bloc countries.



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