Thanks all of you!
John Cawelti愀 and Richard Slotkin愀 book I can borrow ftrom the Swedish
library system so I惻l do that and read them as soon as possible.
H.A. Derosso seems very interesting and also The Whispering Sands-series,
I惻l try to read those as well. Leonard I扉e read of course, but mostly his
crime novels (and some western I think long ago).
Thanks again!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gonzalo Baeza" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 1:24 AM
Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: westner vs noir, cowboy vs private eye
Here's a nice article on the Whispering Sands series:
--- In, ejgorman99@... wrote:
> In a message dated 7/5/09 11:49:48 AM, bengt@... writes:
> > So I惴 thinking about the connection between the two - or the one -
> > genre(s), between american crime novels and the myth of the american
> > western
> > and cowboy myth. Has there been anything written about this? Am I right
> >
> Hammett once said that the private eye is the cowboy brought to the
> city. In the early days of Black Mask magazine westerns were published
> alongside
> crime stories. Erle Stanley Gardner wrote a series called Whispering Sands
> (some of his best work) that are westerns set in the desert of the early
> 1920s.
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