You will definitely want to check out John Cawelti's Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture. He traces the PI genre back to Cooper's Leatherstocking tales:
You might also want to check out his earlier Six-Gun Mystique. I haven't read the revised "sequel," but the original was one of the first things I read on genre and quite impressed my thinking:
And I seem remember William Ruehlman's Saint with a Gun: The Unlawful Private Eye touching on his western roots:
> To:
> From:
> Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 18:47:32 +0200
> Subject: RARA-AVIS: westner vs noir, cowboy vs private eye
> I惴 reading all of James Crumley to write a piece - presentation, essay,
> whatever - om him for a Swedish book about noir and hard boiled crime
> authors. The american private eye is/was always a relative to the american
> cowboy but it seems to me that Crumley愀 fiction is/was the closest to
> western/cowboy novels that american noir crime novels will ever get.
> So I惴 thinking about the connection between the two - or the one -
> genre(s), between american crime novels and the myth of the american western
> and cowboy myth. Has there been anything written about this? Am I right? You
> have any thoughts that can send me in the right direction when I start
> writing? Any suggestion of other american crime writers who come close to
> western cowboy novels - or writers of cowboy fiction who come close to crime
> novels? Or anything!
> Bengt Eriksson
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