RARA-AVIS: Any Insights on My Stack?

From: Mark D. Nevins (nevins_mark@yahoo.com)
Date: 03 Jul 2009

  • Next message: akarim1462@aol.com: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Do you know of any"

    I have a stack of mostly vintage books here whose titles/authors are mostly unfamiliar to me. I've picked these books up hither and yon over the last year, mostly for pennies each, and as I'm getting really tight on shelf-space I'm wondering if the R-A worthies can offer any feedback on which of these books are hidden gems, and which I should just trade in. (I'm probably inclined to keep the Gold Medals (GM) unless any are IDed as stinkers.)

    The list is below--many thanks for any insights or observations.

    Best, Mark Nevins

    - Michael Brett, DIECAST (GM)
    - Owen Cameron, THE BUTCHER'S WIFE (Dell)--might just keep this one for the cover art even if it's not worth reading
    - Victor Canning, THE CHASM (Berkley)
    - John Dickson Carr, CAPTAIN CUT-THROAT (Bantam)--I believe this one might be a classic of some sort?
    - James Hadley Chase, THE DOUBLE SHUFFLE (Signet)
    - Robert Colby, THE CAPTAIN MUST DIE (GM)
    - Paul Connolly, SO FAIR SO EVIL (GM)--also nice cover art
    - Albert Conroy, DEVIL IN DUNGAREES (GM)
    - George Harmon Coxe, MURDER IN HAVAN (Dell)
    - Frederick C. Davis, THE DEADLY MISS ASHLEY (Pocket)
    - Ovid Demaris, MACHINE GUN MCCAIN (previously CANDYLEG) (GM)--I believe mentioned here a while back--need to check the archives
    - Steve Dodge, THE SHANGHAI INCIDENT (GM)--another nice cover
    - Lee Gifford, PIECES OF THE GAME (GM)
    - William Haggard, VENETIAN BLIND (Corgi)
    - Richard Himmel, THE CHINESE KEYHOLE (GM)
    - Geoffrey Homes, THEN THERE WERE THREE (Bantam)
    - Adam Knight, GIRL RUNNING (Signet)--super cover
    - Aylwin Lee Martin, DEATH ON A FERRIS WHEEL (GM)
    - Van Wyck Mason, THE SINGAPORE EXILE MURDERS (Pocket)
    - James Mayo, HAMMERHEAD (Dell)
    - John Nemec, THE SPY WHO CAME TO BED (Triumph)
    - Kin Platt, THE KISSING GOURAMI (Pyramid)--cover bills Platt as an Edgar winner?
    - Kelley Roos, THE FRIGHTENED STIFF (Dell)
    - Victor Rosen, A GUN IN HIS HAND (GM)--great cover
    - Richard Sale, HOME IS THE HANGMAN (Popular)
    - Bud Schulberg, THE HARDER THEY FALL (Signet)
    - George Sims, THE TERRIBLE DOOR (Pocket)
    - Scott C.S. Stone, THE DRAGON'S EYE (GM)--nifty cover art
    - R.W. Taylor, WHIPLASH (Gold Star)
    - Philip Wylie, EXPERIMENT IN CRIME (Avon)
    - James Yardley, KISS THE BOYS AND MAKE THEM DIE and A KISS A DAY KEEPS THE CORPES AWAY (Signet)--look like a series about a female James Bond-type, tongue-in-cheek

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