I finished _Cold Six Thousand_. Didn't much like it. However, I loaned it to a literate cop who loved it. The fun in _American Tabloid_ was in watching the wimpy, "sensitive" cop turn inti the ultimate empty and amoral hardcase. CST seemed to lack a lot of that ironic touch. On the other hand, Ellroy writing poorly beats 90% of the competition
I run hot and cold on Ellroy anyway. _Black Dahlia_...good stuff until the silly denoument. _Big Nowhere_ and _LA Confidential_....maybe the best ever. _White Jazz_ and _Silent Terror_, not so much. My favorite part of _Clandestine_ was the doggerel poetry "Whither bound, oh pussy hound/ Thou conoisseur of venus mounds./ Oh noble cop/ You'll never stop..."
His straight out detective stories were jusr not too good. But he's pretty much said that his heart isn't in that stuff anyway.
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