RARA-AVIS: Re: the upcoming future of crime fiction...

From: davezeltserman (davezelt@rcn.com)
Date: 18 May 2009

  • Next message: Joy Matkowski: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: the upcoming future of crime fiction..."

    yeah, but Andrew, this isn't just taking what my agent is saying but seeing what deals are being announced on Publishers Marketplace. 1 crime and mystery deal, 1 thriller deal--and this is for early May?? This slowdown of deals has been going on for the last 6 months, which means 12-18 months from now we're going to see a lot less crime and thriller books in the stores than what we've been accustomed to (if bookstores are still around 12-18 months from now...)

    But we'll get plenty stacks of Kathy Griffin's memoirs filling up the stores...


    --- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Andrew Coe <acoe170@...> wrote:
    > If writers listened to what agents were saying about what books were "selling," no books ever would get written.  For years, people in publishing have been saying that nobody's buying true crime books, but true crime books continue to appear.  And for some reason that none of the "professionals" can explain, people continue to buy them.  If the books are good, they will sell, no matter the genre.

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