Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Willie Garvin and Friends

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 24 Apr 2009

  • Next message: Patrick King: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Irish Crime"

    Sorry but never heard that Losey was ever married to Melina Mercouri (she was married to Jules Dassin), but to Elisabeth Hawes... His son Gavrick was a big rock promoter and film producer and I had the pleasure to meet him in London UK many many years ago (83-84...) I understand he was 1st AD on Modesty Blaise and PM on Lindsay零 Anderson零 If...


    On 4/24/09 3:08 PM, "Dick Lochte" <> wrote:

    > Just wondering how exactly one might find the complete collection of Modesty
    > comic strips?
    > About the Joseph Losey movie version, if I hadn't just seen it a year or so
    > ago, I'd have probably thought he'd used his wife, Melina Mercouri, too. But
    > he didn't. It was Monica Vitti. There was also a TV pilot done in US with
    > Ann Turkel. And a Quentin Tarantino-produced movie, "My Name Is Modesty"
    > starring an actress named Alexandra Staden. It's just OK, but the DVD does
    > feature an interview with the very aged author-creator Peter O'Donnell and
    > synopses and the opening strips of every Modesty comic adventure.

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