--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, ejgorman99@... wrote:
This would be my top choice, but there's lot of good stuff. I remember being mildly disappointed by _A Key to the Suite_.
Coincidentally, the other night I reread the first Travis McGee, _The Deep Blue Good=by. It remains a hell of a good novel.
And I have a question: this is a reissue from 1992. I noticed a few details that looked like possible touching up by JohnD after the original version (1964). In particular, one rant having to do with political correctness, essentially -- and a few other things that gave the novel an "atemporal" feel.
Does anybody know if JohnD did in fact touch up his novels when they were being reissued? I don't have the original issue of this novel to compare.
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