My apologies for interjecting a sales remark into rara-avis, but I thought some members / collectors might be interested to know that, while Joe Lansdale's SANCTIFIED AND CHICKEN FRIED contains stories originally published in other collections, this gorgeous UT edition will have a print-run of 1,550 hardbacks... and that's it... then it'll go straight to print-on-demand paperback. So grab it while you can! And if you want signed copies, Houston's Murder By The Book will have copies signed by both Lansdale & Bill Crider, who did the intro, on July 7th. Go here for more information:
And just FYI: We've also just received new books from the U.K. by Ray Banks (GUN and NO MORE HEROES), Allan Guthrie (SLAMMER), Pulp Press's first release (KILLER TEASE, by Danny Hogan), and more.
Take care!
David Thompson
Busted Flush Press, LLC
P.O. Box 540594, Houston, TX 77254-0594 / (713) 942-9282 /'s blog)
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