I tried watching a few of these episodes because of Harvey Keitel. They were fun in a sort of kitschy way, but it was pretty much mediocre television. They seemed to do very little with the culture difference between the 70s and present day, and outside of the tiny spacecraft (or whatever it was that that guy kept seeing), he could've just as well had been from the 70s also.
Anyway, did anyone else catch the far superior Damages? Even with its highly improbably season finale, which was filled with plot holes galore, it was still one of the more stylized and entertaining crime shows on television.
--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, BaxDeal@... wrote:
> In a message dated 4/3/09 3:08:18 PM, foxbrick@... writes:
> >
> > I note that Lee Goldberg has decided that LIFE ON MARS (US) had the worst
> > wrap up in television history. I strongly disagree, not least because I was
> > amused and because they did drop hints throughout the run that they might well
> > be moving in the direction they did.
> >
> Lee is something of a traditionalist in terms of genre, not that there's
> anything wrong with that. many people are here as well
> I didin't buy into the premise myself so I didn't watch the show, but I did
> catch the season finale. wasn't difficult figuring out who was who or who
> knew what. Jason O'Mara seems a pretty compelling actor, certainly much more so
> than say, that smug dork who plays the lead in the very contrived Castle.
> the wrap up made perfect sense, but I have qualms with any show (outside of
> Newhart) that essentially renders its entire run into an extended...
> -- dream sequence. but such is the state of the mystery on television these
> days. my tastes run toward the grittier and more photorealistic, like The
> Wire or The Shield. to each their own
> John Lau
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