Re: RARA-AVIS: Dashiell Hammett's "Secret Agent X-9" now a BBC radio series

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 20 Mar 2009

  • Next message: Mark D. Nevins: "RARA-AVIS: Re: Murray Sinclair?"

    Some of these sites where you download music or films (usually Śpiratedą) have so many requests that they close their portals so to speak...almost permanently and you have to keep at it in order to get in...usually it is easier to get in during the night (between 2 and 5 AM is a good time to
    łkeep knocking at the door˛) ...I experienced it recently with a site which had bootlegs of Nick Cave concerts during his recent US got to keep at it because there are thousands trying to get in all the time...

    Bonne chance Montois

    On 3/20/09 6:00 PM, "Steve Gerlach" <> wrote:

    > Yes, I had the same problem. Anyone here actually have copies of the files we
    > could grab?
    > Steve
    > ________________________________

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