For all you salame and bacon needs go to: general and to:
...for special delicacies available at your local store...
...and the company is based in SF...
You could also go to D農rtagnan ( ) which has
similar French order today and it is tomorrow at your
No, I don靖 own stock in those companies...but the own my palate and
On 3/11/09 7:28 PM, "jacquesdebierue" <> wrote:
>> > At least up here in New England, Canadian Bacon is a maple cured, circular
>> cut pork breakfast food that costs a bit more than strip bacon and tastes a
>> lot better. It's commonly used on Eggs Benedict, available in most high-end
>> bars and restaurants that offer breakfast or brunch throughout Massachusetts,
>> New Hampshire, Maine & Vermont. It's possibly also be available in Canada but
>> they may just call it bacon there.
>> >
> I don't think it has anything to do with bacon. It's loin meat. The Italians
> make something like that, great stuff of course. An Italian salumeria is proof
> enough that there once was civilization in the world.
> Best,
> mrt
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