RARA-AVIS: Mixed Blood by Roger Smith

From: davezeltserman (davezelt@rcn.com)
Date: 09 Mar 2009

  • Next message: gsp.schoo@MOT.com: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: The Horsemen"

    I just finished this one, and it's excellent. The setup, an American forced to participate in a bank robbery in Milwaukee which left one policeman dead and his accomplices either dead or captured, has fled with the money and his family to Capetown, South Africa. When a couple of drugged out gangsters break into his new home for rape and other nastiness, it triggers a sequence of very violent events. This is a very dark, violent book where the violence is played straight and not for laughs, and plays almost like a Parker book if Parker ever ended up in Capetown, and found himself a family man and his 4-year old son kidnapped. This book's a first novel, but doesn't read like one. Not one moment of slack from beginning to end. If you like Richard Stark/Parker, I think you'd like this, although it's quite a bit darker and more violent than Parker. As a caveat, I know Roger, but while it had influenced me to try his book, it has no influence at all in my posting here.


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