Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: The Horsemen

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 09 Mar 2009

  • Next message: Steve Novak: "Re: RARA-AVIS: mystery questionnaire...Where???"

    In a very general sense I have always heard them refered to as ³the man²...and somebody told me yesterday that it was in fact a black expression more than a white least in the US... I¹ll ask the linguists...they should know...they interview people all the time and they have a much larger sample (socio-economically) than we do...


    On 3/9/09 2:27 PM, "J.C. Hocking" <> wrote:

    > In and around Detroit, throughout the 60's and 70's, I heard the police
    > refered to as 'the boys' more than any other term.  Heard 'pigs' a few times,
    > usually self-conciously from a young man, and 'fuzz' never.
    > But the cops were called 'the boys' consistently.
    > Anyone ever hear them seriously called 'the flatfoots'?  Or 'John Law'?
    > John 
    > --- On Mon, 3/9/09, jacquesdebierue <
    > <> > wrote:
    > From: jacquesdebierue <
    > <> >
    > Subject: RARA-AVIS: Re: The Horsemen
    > To: <>
    > Date: Monday, March 9, 2009, 1:20 PM
    > --- In rara-avis-l@ yahoogroups. com, Brian Thornton <bthorntonwriter@ ...>
    > wrote:
    >> >
    >> > As opposed to "bulls," which is still in limited parlance out here in the
    >> > Western hinterlands. Does anyone still hear "Fuzz" used? That one seems to
    >> > have died along with "Don't trust anyone over 30" and "Peace, Pot,
    >> > Microdot."
    >> >
    > There may be regional variations, too. I may have heard bulls once or twice in
    > recent times; fuzz, only in the movies.
    > Best,
    > mrt

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