From: Steve Novak (
Date: 07 Mar 2009

  • Next message: Michael Jeter: "RARA-AVIS: Canadian Question: DaVinci´s Inquest -- The Horsemen"

    For those of you who might be fans of Nick Cave and Bad Seeds (needless to say I am, and I have seen them live at least fifteen times from Ny to Dtw, to Chicago - at late as last october) ...what is the connection between the book and the song ( from the Let Love In album (94 I think)....???

    Thanks for the info...I know the song very well but I haven¹t read the book...


    PS: several artist

    On 3/7/09 7:06 PM, "Mark D. Nevins" <> wrote:

    > Back to the "best noir" thread--
    > I read THE LAST GOOD KISS last year, and I thought it was absolutely
    > fantastic. Had not really thought if it as a "noir" book, but I can
    > re-consider that. I fully intend to read more Crumley, although I appreciate
    > that most people think KISS was his high-point.
    > I read THE RED RIGHT HAND late last year, after reading about it a few times
    > here on RARA-AVIS. The book's style is so strange and mannered I almost put
    > it down after about 30 pages. But I kept at it, and while the bizarre voice
    > of the narrator ("unreliable narrator"? "un-unreliable narrator"?) never did
    > work for me, the book in the end is strange and unique little entry into the
    > library of crime fiction. I did not think it was "creepy" or "terrifying,"
    > but I did think it was clever and a lot of fun. However, in the final telling
    > I'm still not sure what to make of it, and I would love to hear some thoughts
    > and interpretations from this group.
    > Mark Nevins

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