--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Don Lee <donthepoet@...> wrote:
> I certainly would hope there are more enlightened programs than the one I was in. Since culture tends to trickle inward from both coasts, I'd say a writing program in the midwest in the early 90s probably *was* about 20 years behind the times, at least, so the negative response Gores received at Stanford Way Back When was very likely the same kind of thinking that caused my friend his problems at the U of A 15 years ago here in the Bible Belt. Sadly.
In my opinion, if you try to teach someone the craft without regard for who his readers might be, i.e., who might want to read what the writer has to say, you are being totally myopic. A writer without an audience is invisible. Show me an author who doesn't want to be read and who doesn't want to sell...
Actually, a more realistic position, considering that people need jobs, would be to make sure that each student can use the pen to earn some money.
Utterly ridiculous, all of it.
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