Depends on the course. There are quite a few crime writers on the course I'm
currently studying at Lancaster. And there's a course starting at Napier
University in Edinburgh where the focus is on genre fiction.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Lee" <>
> MFA programs in creative writing can be horrible snobs, even today. This
> is probably not news to a lot of people. I was in at the Univ of Arkansas,
> which actually is a "well respected" writing program due to the quality of
> its founding instructors, Jim Whitehead and Bill Harrison -- anyway, I was
> in classes in the early 90s w/ a guy who'd published at least 3 crime
> novels in hardback, and they basically treated him like the hired help. It
> was frustrating for him -- he had an agent and was selling his books --
> but it wasn't "literature." I gave up on the program after a year and a
> half, partly for that very reason.
> Don
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