Check Castellašs website...itšs very, very, elegant .... as a
website...beside what is in it about Castella...
and usuallly/often websites are drab, dry and dull...DDDšs...
You are so right...time for a noir corrida story...
Time to start the rebolerašs and chichuelinašs...
On 3/4/09 6:59 PM, "jacquesdebierue" <> wrote:
> --- In <> ,
> jean-pierre jacquet <jacquet@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > I loved Toros & Torsos as well. And ditto for Dominguin.
>> > jpj
> Hardboiled toros, LOL. And you guys have one guy who has restored my faith in
> the art: Sebastian Castella. Actually, the world of bullfighting should be
> prime for hardboiled stories. Kind of like boxing, but in a very different
> culture.
> Best,
> mrt
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