Re: RARA-AVIS: No Exit Press

Date: 03 Mar 2009

  • Next message: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Best noir novel (was Red Right Hand)"

    In a message dated 3/2/09 4:22:35 PM, writes:

    > Sorry to say that the Stephan Elliott (99) version of the film is
    > absolutely
    > abysmal and lasted no more than 1/2 hr on our DVD player...and
    > making it an D)-intelligence���� story was totally idiotic...and the whole thing
    > is pitiful...Ms Judd is appalling...nothing new from this pseudo actress who
    > tends to wear white hats on racing days...
    > Here����s a sample review, from Uk I think:

    I saw this picture once, years ago. my impression wasn't nearly so negative. seemed a serviceable thriller. nothing more. or less

    John Lau

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