Manuel Vasquez Montalban is an absolute must and one of my all time
favorites (since some of you are going into the łbest of..˛ mode....
Listed as #26 in the Times UK list...
Check :\zquez_Montalb\n
Books in English to be found in used bookstores...
....and there are other Spanish writers of course...
Good hunting...itąs very very much worth it...
On 3/2/09 5:13 PM, "Gonzalo Baeza" <> wrote:
> Speaking of which, I'm reading a history of Spain's crime fiction and,
> just like you point out, their genre offerings in the first half of
> the 20th century were heavily influenced by France and, to a lesser
> extent, the British procedural. Fortunately, most of these is no
> longer true. It seems Spanish crime fiction is going through a very
> creative period with numerous new writers and titles. It'd be
> interesting to see if any of them are eventually translated.
> --- In <> ,
> "jacquesdebierue"
> <jacquesdebierue@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > On the subject of Shakespeare, there was huge cross-fertilization
>> > (stealing, imitating, getting inspiration from) between the Italians,
>> > the Spaniards and the English. These guys were very aware of what the
>> > others were doing. An age of tremendous creativity, no question. The
>> > great Spanish century was followed by fussiness and a Baroque style
>> > that eventually became ridiculous (Baltasar Gracián, for example), and
>> > then from bad to worse until the late nineteenth century and then a
>> > couple of great generations of poets and novelists. By then, in fact
>> > since long before, the influence of France was overwhelming on Spanish
>> > literature, and there was also a fair amount of German influence.
>> > Literary ties with England were pretty much nonexistent. The
>> > spectacular rebirth in the twentieth century of literature in Spanish
>> > happened in Latin America, where most of the great writers were and
>> > are from. And those guys were heavily influenced by Faulkner and
>> > Hemingway, not so much by European or even Spanish models (there are
>> > notable exceptions, like Borges, Bioy and Alejo Carpentier).
>> >
>> > An interesting early noir writer is Argentinean Roberto Arlt, despised
>> > in his day for "writing ugly" but later considered a classic, with his
>> > reputation growing.
>> >
>> > Best,
>> >
>> > mrt
>> >
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