Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: "The Canon"?

From: Sean Shapiro (
Date: 01 Mar 2009

  • Next message: Jack Quick: "RARA-AVIS: Re: Jack Taylor Series"

    Why should they teach noir?

    I wouldn't want to be taught Goodis.

    I remember reading Lord of the Flies when I was ten or eleven years old. Blew my mind. Changed my notions on human nature. Made me hungry for more incendiary writing.

    Three or fours years later it was my set work at school. The teacher and the syllabus killed it. Dead. It was a stuffed animal that couldn't bite anymore.

    After that I hoped I wouldn't ever get set a novel I might actually like.

    Sean Shapiro

    ________________________________ From: Brian Thornton <> To: Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 5:15:35 AM Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: "The Canon"?

    Gonzalo wrote regarding a potential anti-academic tilt to Rara Avis:

    "What I was alluding to were previous assertions that so-called mainstream fiction is mostly derivative, plot-less and narcissistic (or something along those lines)."


    Are we meant to conclude from this statement that you see a link between so-called 'mainstream' /'literary' fiction and academia?

    Because if you do, you've got lots of company.

    And how circular has this greater discussion become, coming back to the academy, and what they do and don't teach?


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