Re your qustion below:
"Having lived in Louisiana and loving NO (and Baton Rouge) and the whole
bayou country...please list info concerning books/PI零... etc which take
place over there."
George Ogan wrote three NO-set novels, all PBO's, featuring a Marlowe-paradigm-follower named Johnny Bordelon. One of them was a Shamus nominee. They were all published by Raven House, Harlequin's first foray into crime fiction, and, when that line died, so, apparently, did the series.
O'Neil DeNoux write a very good series of police procedurals featuring an NOPD homicide detective named Dino LaStanza. DeNoux's a former homicide detective himself, though he served in suburban Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office rather than NOPD. DeNoux also write about a post-WW2 PI named Lucien Caye.
James Colbert is another NO-area cop (I think he worked for the Housing Authority Police) who writes crime fiction. One of his better-received books in SKINNY MAN.
Other NO-area PI's include Robert Skinner's Wesey Farrell, James Sallis's Lew Griffin, and David Fulmer's hiostrical, turn-of-the-century op Valentin St. Cyr.
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