Which version did you see...??
I read that there are two versions: one that was released by us dvd
producers and another one which is hitting the screens in France on April 15
and which was the one presented by Tavernier at the Berlin Festival...some
of the things I read seem to indicate that the two versions are quite
different and some of the Euro critics talk about a solid Śpolicierą with
great Śwet, murky and heavy bayou atmosphereą...
I have no clue since I havenąt seen it...???
Yet, Angel Heart was loved overseas and made Rourke into the new James Dean
/ Brando for French audiences (so happy heąs back nowadays)...but was
basically dismissed here by the public at large......(I did like it very
much in fact)...so perceptions are as mushy as a bed of wet leaves under the
Spanish moss...
On 2/22/09 7:24 AM, "logan keith (keith)" <keith@globetrotter.net> wrote:
> Kevin Burton Smith wrote:
>> > I had high hopes for IN THE ELECTRIC MIST with Tommy Lee Jones as Dave
>> > Robicheaux, which is about as perfect as casting gets.
> Didn't we all have such high hopes, especially since Tavernier did such a
> great job adapting Jim Thompson to screen. But here he makes the same mistakes
> that many do when trying to transfer a long written work to roughly 100
> minutes of screen time. The narrative doesn't fit well together, things are
> rushed and make no sense, or are glossed over so quickly that they have no
> impact. Sadly, Tommy Lee Jones didn't live up to expectations either, playing
> Dave as very one-note, stiff, impatient, always scowling and on the verge of
> beating someone up. The film just missed its mark completely.
> Of course, that's just one man's opinion... I hope Rara Avians will watch
> anyway and offer their views.
> Keith Logan
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