I had high hopes for IN THE ELECTRIC MIST with Tommy Lee Jones as Dave
Robicheaux, which is about as perfect as casting gets.
But it's going straight to DVD, despite a solid cast (John Goodman,
Mary Steenbergen, Levon Helm, Ned Beatty, etc.), a good director
(Bernard Tavernier) and even some decent music (from Mr. Buddy
Motherfucking Guy).
Anyone heard anything about the film, or what went wrong (if anything)
or will we all have to wait until it comes out in a few weeks?
By the way, the book it's based on was the last Robicheaux I really
enjoyed. The whole ghost thing was fresh and unique and murky and dark
and worked surprisingly well -- but it became a real drag when Burke
started using it over and over, to the point where I haven't read any
of his most recent books. But I keep hearing good things about TIN
ROOF BLOWDOWN or whatever it's called.
Anyone read it? Is it a return to form?
Kevin Burton Smith
Thrilling Detective Web Site
"It's Been a Long Time Coming" Edition
Now Online
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