Falling Angel, the novel, is set entirely in New York. They set the
movie in NO, for reasons that are unclear.
On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 5:37 PM, blumenidiot <blumenidiot@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Robert Crais' VOODOO RIVER is mainly set there. A former member of this
> list, Robert Skinner, wrote at least two books there. They are historicals,
> though. The movie Angel Heart is based on the a novel FALLING ANGEL by
> William Hjortsberg I have seen the movie which is partly set in Louisiana.
> I have not read the book.
> Mark
> --- On Sat, 2/21/09, Steve Novak <Cinefrog@comcast.net> wrote:
> Montois changing the subject...
> Having lived in Louisiana and loving NO (and Baton Rouge) and the whole
> bayou country...please list info concerning books/PIšs... etc which take
> place over there
> Merci in advance...
> Montois....who loves gumbo and jambalaya (and who in fact lived in the
> łjambalaya capital of the world˛, i.e. Gonzales, La)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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