--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Ron Clinton" <clinton65@...> wrote:
> Knowing full well my obsessive, completist bent when it comes to
authors of
> this type, Doug, I suspect I'll be a more informed Ritchie reader before
> much longer (certainly more so than my copy of A NEW LEAF and a few
AH pbs
> and Manhunt magazines currently qualifies me to be) and prepared to
work on
> a collection.
> Let me get back to you in a couple years -- though, ahem, if someone
> to beat me to the punch, my feelings won't be hurt and I even
promise to buy
> a copy...
> Ron C.
R0N -- you're on. Or will be in a couple of eyars.
Crippen & Landru
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