Let's see if this goes through:
For those of you who are interested, I recently received this from Trent Reynolds at violentworldof parker.com:
You are on the receiving end of this e-mail because, at some point in the past, oh, decade or so, we corresponded about matters concerning Parker/Richard Stark/Donald Westlake.
Most of you probably remember this. A few of you may be scratching your heads.
This is just a short note to folks that I thought might be interested that I have just wrapped up my relaunch of The Violent World of Parker. It ain't perfect, but I'm pretty proud of it, and damn, it was a lot of work.
Probably the most interesting addition is the blog (http://violentworldofparker.com/?page_id=998) but there is a lot of cool new stuff if you look around, with more to come.
If you have my old e-mail address, please get rid of it. That account gets more junk than mail. Please use this new one.
For you head-scratchers out there, don't worry, you aren't on a mailing list. This is the last you'll hear from me unless I'm responding to an e-mail from you.
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