--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Juri Nummelin"
<juri.nummelin@...> wrote:
> Sorry, Mr. T, I didn't read carefully enough what you said about
Auster. And
> I didn't look at the list. Aren't they always too arbitrary? (If one
> really want to do the list of 100 best crime novels, one should at
> make different lists for different genres: 100 best hardboiled, 100
> cozies, 100 best police procedurals etc. [One just would have to
make up
> one's mind about what's hardboiled.])
Well, sure, lists are tricky. And if you invoke "crime fiction",
pretty much anything goes. Hardboiled is probably the easiest to
define uncontroversially. If you say "hardboiled crime fiction", the
territory is the familiar one that we discuss here. And then there are
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