--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Brian Thornton"
<bthorntonwriter@...> wrote:
> Oh, and Mario, if you like stuff that's slow moving and only gives you
> information in small doses, have you read Nicholson Baker's THE
> It's a novel about an office worker's ride up an escalator.
> One ride.
> Hundreds of pages.
> I kid. Seriously, reading that thing was like watching paint dry.
I was referring basically to the Faulkner style (I think he invented
it), not to excruciating slowness per se. It depends on content, of
course, on the story (if there is one). I prefer novels with a story.
In that respect, Sallis is a traditional storyteller. As to Baker, my
experience with a different novel (The Fermata) was not satisfactory.
To be frank, I found it silly. Maybe it's great for ardent admirers of
the writer.
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