--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, DJ-Anonyme@... wrote:
> Still, my comments on generalizations referred more to those who
> responded to Kevin who admitted to basing their dismissals on the
> in the urban section of Borders or B&N. I agree, those are some
> sleazy and/or nasty covers. But if I based my reading on what I
> of cover artwork, I never would have read anything from Dennis
I am one of those that responded to Kevin but my comment has nothing
to do with morals. Wertham and the other visceral reactions to pulp
fiction you cited were intrinsically moralistic. I'm not shocked nor
horrified by what transpires in the urban fiction novels I've skimmed
through. I just don't think the writing is very good. Likewise, the
covers don't horrify me. I just think they look cheap and derivative.
The Hard Case Crime covers, which harken to an era of cheap
paperbacks, look classy and creative in contrast.
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