Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Rara Avian Holiday Wishes (and a little something for Bob V.)

From: Joy Matkowski (
Date: 25 Dec 2008

  • Next message: "Re: RARA-AVIS: Re. Rara Avian Holiday Wishes (and a little something for Bob V.)"

    But, Dave, that's real life! Look at Abu Ghraib, where those at the top of the torture foodchain go scot-free and a few privates get notoriety and jail time. And that's just one example of the many.
        I'm not a TV or movie watcher, but you make The Wire sound so hardboiled and true to life---not just another cop show---that I'll try to watch it if I can get it cheap enough.

    Joy (Is "scot-free" OK, Al?)

    PS: Merry Christmas, everyone!

    davezeltserman wrote:
    > I liked The Wire--it had a nice stylized feel to it, but a bit
    > heavy-handed for my taste. Basically each season repeating the first
    > season--the never ending cycle of the streets, the guilty always
    > getting away while the middlemen (or boys) pay the price.

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