I know I've encountered this with at least one English author, who
wrote pulps under the name Spike Morelli. There's one book of his
called Coffin for a Cutie that's set in Atlanta, when it's pretty
obvious that the author has never been there (or anywhere else in
America) in his life. Of course, it was published in England and meant
to be read by people who had also never been to America, so
authenticity obviously wasn't a priority.
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Juri Nummelin <juri.nummelin@pp.inet.fi> wrote:
> Jeff Vorzimmer:
> "In fact, he tried originally to pass I Spit on Your Graves off as having
> been written by an American, which is absurd in that the American culture of
> the late 40s he portrays is so faux as to be almost unrecognizable."
> Wasn't this usual practice in pulps and paperbacks published in other
> countries than the US: there were lots of British, Australian, Finnish,
> Swedish etc. stories taking place in America, supposedly written by American
> writers, and with apparently no knowledge of real America (whatever that
> is). I'm sure everyone thought at the time that Carter Brown was an American
> writer.
> Juri
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