You have to think of the library setup as being similar to Netflicks or
Blockbuster. The author and publisher don't get paid by the rental, but
because libraries buy about 75% of all published mysteries, some purchasing
as many as five or ten copies, you're guaranteed a certain amount of sales.
That's great for new, untested writers, ok for midlisters who have a small
but loyal following who buy their books. For the Pattersons and Kings,
library rentals probably cost them some sales, but compared to what they
take home it's a drop in the bucket. So, the library sales may make it
possible for the boutique publishers to add a few bucks to an advance, they
introduce writers to new readers, and they keep your book available for much
longer than the bookstores. There may even be other sneaky benefits: a
publisher may, I suppose, add all of the library purchases to the same
week's sales figures, moving a book that much closer to the bestseller
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